How to fix Error Package subpath './server.edge' is not defined by "exports" on Netlify

How to fix Error Package subpath './server.edge' is not defined by "exports" on Netlify

If you're using Next.js 13.3+ and deploying with Netlify, you might have run into a "500 Internal server error" on your page. Upon looking into the SSR log you might find this error.

Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: Package subpath './server.edge' is not defined by "exports"

How to fix the issue

I was in that situation before and here's how to properly fix it.

  1. Manually add @netlify/plugin-nextjs to your package.json and make sure it's at least v4.39.1

     pnpm i -D @netlify/plugin-nextjs@latest

    The Netlify team has just released a fix for this particular issue.

  2. Specify the plugin in your netlify.toml

       package = "@netlify/plugin-nextjs"
  3. commit, push, and deploy.

    1. If you run into an error while building, try "Clear cache and retry"

Monorepo with multiple frameworks

For example, if you're using Turborepo or Nx and you have Gatsby apps and whatnot other than Next.js apps, make sure your root netlify.toml does not contain framework-specific plugins. If you have it, you need to split netlify.toml for each app

├─ package.json
├─ netlify.toml # root config
├─ apps/
│  ├─ gatsby-app
│  │  ├─ netlify.toml # Add framework-specific config/plugin here
│  │  └─ ...
│  └─ nextjs-app
│     ├─ netlify.toml # Add framework-specific config/plugin here
│     └─ ...
├─ ...

I hope this helps. Have a good day 🎉